New Publication: Regulating Power-to-Gas in the Energy Union

A new article titled `Regulating Power-to-Gas in the Energy Union` has been published in the Journal of Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL).  The abstract can be found below and the article is available here.

This article focusses on the energy law framework at EU level and how it applies to the various stages of Power-to-Gas. While there is a substantial number of other legal questions about Power-to-Gas (e.g. the environmental law framework, the planning law framework, the liability law framework, etc.) the current article made the choice to focus on the compatibility of the Power-to-Gas technology with the EU`s energy law framework.  It scrutinizes the existing legal framework of the EU and outlines the current and emerging regulatory trends for Power-to-Gas. The article starts by briefly describing the latest proposal of the European Union on energy regulation (`Clean Energy for All Europeans`-package), outlining possible repercussions for the legal categorization of hydrogen as a form of renewable energy. The article goes on to discuss the two main options of Power-to-Gas use: hydrogen admixture in the natural gas grid and electricity storage via hydrogen. It highlights that the successful introduction of the Power-to-Gas technology depends on an accompanying legal framework that is tailored to the respective Power-to-Gas and or Power-to-Power applications.


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