
Showing posts from December, 2019

New Publication: Podcast `Electricity Storage in EU Energy Law: A Focus on the Clean Energy Package´

In this podcast , Dr Ruven Fleming from the University of Groningen discusses electricity storage in EU law specifically from the point of view of the Clean Energy Package. He provides a brief introduction to what electricity storage is and why it is needed. He then focuses on how the new provisions of the Clean Energy Package address electricity storage and he discusses the practical implications of these new rules to four groups of market participants: energy consumers, energy producers, network system operators and, finally, private companies.

The Three Big Issues of COP 25 in Madrid

The UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 is currently on its way in Madrid . In this post we explain the relationship with the Paris Agreement, take a look at 3 main issues that COP 25 in Madrid needs to tackle and provide an assessment of possible solutions. The three main tasks for the Madrid Conference are: 1) New and Improved National Contributions 2) Trading of Climate Change Mitigation Measures 3) Implementation of the Warsaw-Mechanism.